Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What steps are necessary to build upper body muscle?

3 Key Ingredients to Achieve Results

There are three essential ingredients in the recipe of success in achieving the results you want when you build upper body muscle. And just like any recipe...skip one of these ingredients or use the wrong measurement and your dish will go from delicious to dull before you know it.

The 3 keys to your success are:

  • Mental attitude-keep in mind your goal to help stay committed, diligent, and persistent. Plus, you need to believe you can do this...because YOU CAN!

  • Eating right-your nutrition is the second biggest piece of the puzzle. Cut down of high fat foods, don't overdo the protein, and add extra calories in the form of complex carbs to your daily diet.

  • Exercising CORRECTLY-If you want real success from you effort to build upper body muscle you have to use the right form and perform the right exercises.

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